After making some regrettable packing oversights during my previous Splendour In The Grass attendances, I have put together a list of my festival necessities so that you do not forget any of the essential items!
And once you’ve packed your essentials, make sure to check out my article on What To Wear To Splendour in the Grass.
- Your ticket: Camping ticket, Festival Entry ticket and Car Pass (if applicable).
- Your ID: Australian License or Passport.
- Contactless Card: Splendour has gone cash-free so remember to bring your card! Buses will still take cash though, so if you plan to bus into central Byron over the weekend I suggest getting some out before you go (bus trips are $4 each way).
- Gumboots/Wellingtons or Boots: Depending on the weather gumboots might be an absolute essential for your trip. Some years it’s sunny all weekend and a sturdy pair of boots will be sufficient. Others, however, the rain has made Splendour in the Grass become Splendour in the Mud and anything less than gumboots would not last even a day. If you are unsure about the weather I would definitely bring a pair of gumboots just in case, better to be safe than sorry! Here are the staple red gumboots I wore.
- Sleeping Bag + Extra blankets: The warmest sleeping bag you can find, it gets really cold!
- Pillow
- Mattress: Find yourself a camping mattress so you don’t want to wake up sore! There’s also a substantial chance of waking up sodden if you don’t put a mattress between you and the sleeping bag because the ground gets really wet, I got a waterproof mattress just in case.
- Phone: If like me you own an iPhone, remember to have the brightness on its lowest setting and on airplane mode when possible to conserve battery life. I use a Lifeproof FRE waterproof, dirtproof and drop-proof case to keep my phone safe!
- Water bottle/water: Get an environmentally friendly reusable water bottle, there are places to fill up all around the site.
- Tent: My waterproof and sturdy tent was an absolute must-have, you don’t want to have to fix it throughout the weekend.
- Print outs of the program: avoid missing out on your favorite acts and save phone battery.
- Rain poncho/raincoat: Clear blue skies are deceiving in Byron, I always have a lightweight raincoat on hand.
- Hat + Sunnies + Sunscreen: It may be winter but the sun is as harsh as ever, especially around midday. I recommend using minimum 50+ sunscreen during the day (and I use an oil-free SPF 50+ on my face).
- Towels: I just bring one for each night because the likelihood of them drying and not accidentally falling in mud is very slim!
- Toiletry bag (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, hair ties, bobby pins etc).
- Paper towels/Toilet paper
- Torch
- Earplugs: If you are a light sleeper getting to bed before 3 am can be difficult in the campsite.
- Biodegradable Wet wipes: Great for taking makeup off, wiping off the inevitable mud splatters and cleaning up your campsite area.
- A small mirror (if you want to adjust your hair or makeup before heading to the festival site).
- Phone charger – there are limited charging points so I use my trusty car phone charger to get me through the three days.
- Snacks: I usually bring apples, muesli bars, chocolate, biscuits and lollies.
- Non-perishable substantial food (aka main meals): This could include bread and spreads (for sandwiches), crackers and tin salmon or tuna , cereal and long-life milk (I find the shadiest part of the tent and put the milk in an esky, I also buy one for each day. This means I can bin it the same day it is opened and when traveling with a group it’s rarely wasted) and tin soup (bonus if you have a small camping stovetop to warm it).
- Knives, forks, and spoons – Bring along some biodegradable disposable cutlery for your campsite meals.
- Practical Clothes: Comfy clothes to go home in and warm comfy clothes to sleep in. Long socks to pair with your gumboots, underwear, and outfits for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Click here for what to wear to Splendour In The Grass.
- Waste Bags: biodegradable waste bags for muddy clothes, wet clothes, wet towels, trash etc.
- Your Festival Spirit! Be prepared for an exhilarating, exhausting and rewarding weekend, Splendour is after all (in my opinion!) Australia’s Best Music Festival.
- Portable radio: Get some Triple J playing in the morning.
- Tarp, Marquee + Chairs
- Portable stovetop
- Identifiable object/flag to mark your campsite: It can be helpful to find your tent at the end of the night!
So there you have it, with this checklist deciding what to pack for Splendour In The Grass will be no hassle at all Feel free to comment below if there is anything I have missed and I will add it to the post!